You've got the power. 
We are taking our stand. We are making our mark. We are leading the conversation. Join us and unleash your ultimate power.
This book is about helping women unleash their feminine power within. A lot of women are wrestling with so many negative emotions like fear, guilt, trauma, doubt, anger, jealousy, and are further held back because of people pleasing, excuses, limiting beliefs, and unhealthy habits. 

Unleash her aims to teach women to allow healing, love, forgiveness, self-care, gratitude, hope, and healthy habits to flow into their lives.

These things not only create and cultivate a life they want to live, it allows them to UNLEASH their purest and best self.
5 Out of 10 Women Experience Trauma
Did you know?
Research indicates that women are twice as likely to develop PTSD, experience a longer duration of post-traumatic symptoms, and display more sensitivity to stimuli that remind them of the trauma.
Many often hesitate to seek mental health treatment. Survivors often wait years to receive help, while others never receive treatment at all. This could lead to all sorts of struggles that affect them in their daily lives.
The Broken Culture
Aside from the actual experiences that result to trauma, today's culture makes it harder for women to come into their own selves - without the influence of a society that either clings to the past or glamorizes unrealistic standards.

There is a constant narrative in the things women see, watch, listen, and read on supposed expectations from the way we should look, how we should act, and our relationships. 

To this we say...
30 Inspiring Women from different walks of life share it ALL. From the traumas they have, the struggles it caused in their lives, and the steps they took to overcome everything.

This is not  just some motivational book. This is real and unfiltered sh*t. At the end of it, you will realize how much power you have inside of you. 

You will be equipped with the right mindset, tools, and knowledge to unleash YOUR POWER to live a life according to your design - unencumbered by fears, traumas, and judgement from others.

If these women did it, YOU CAN TOO!
Let's make some noise. Let's lead the conversation.
Bella Bliss is an intuitive “Transformational and Empowerment Coach” who specializes in guiding women through challenging transitions and leading them into enriched, balanced, healthy, and more purposeful lives.

She is passionate about helping women manifest their authentic, joyful lives—by guiding them through their own awakenings, shifting limiting-belief perspectives over to openly trusting one’s own intuition, inner wisdom—and practicing methods of deep self-love.

Bella offers a wide range of transformative coaching programs based on "the soul only knows love”—rebuilding burdens into blessings. She works with individual clients, facilitates group sessions, and is an inspiring motivational speaker.

She is a graduate of University of Nebraska–Lincoln, an author, an entrepreneur, an artistic photographer, a traveler, a devoted mother to two amazing kittens, and an experienced facilitator turning survivors into THRIVERS!

The empowering mantra she teaches and lives by is:

You've got the power. UNLEASH IT!